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Market developments and trends

Despite the initial fears triggered by the Brexit vote, the Dutch economy continued its steady recovery in 2016 and economic growth with a level above 2% actually outpaced earlier projections.

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Financial performance in 2016

The Fund realised a total fund retun of 8.4% (2015: 4.5%), consisting of a 4.6% income return (2015: 4.4%) and a 3.9% capital growth (2015: 0.1%). The total return in Euro's grew to € 64.3 million in 2016, from € 32.2 million in 2015.

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We are cautiously optimistic on the outlook for the Dutch economy, following a marked pick-up in growth in the course of 2016 as the Dutch economy appeared to shrug off the initial shock of the Brexit vote.

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CSR strategy

Bouwinvest aims to provide a solid return on real estate investments for institutional investors and their beneficiaries and to do this in a responsible manner.

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Environmental performance

The focus of the Retail Fund's sustainability strategy is on reducing the environmental footprint of the shopping centres or retail assets in its portfolio.

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Benchmarking based on the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) enables the Retail Fund to obtain more insight into the opportunities to improve the sustainability performance measured at fund level.

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