Statement of changes in equity For 2016, before appropriation of result, all amounts in € thousands Issued capitalShare premiumRevaluation reserve*Retained earningsNet result for the yearTotal equityBalance at 1 January 20161,116,2431,731,157198,564(242,241)347,4753,151,198 Comprehensive income Net result- - - - 666,343666,343Total comprehensive income- - - - 666,343666,343 Other movements Issued shares97,716192,284- - - 290,000Appropriation of result- - - 347,475(347,475)- Dividends paid- - - (112,507)- (112,507)Movement revaluation reserve- - 482,772(482,772)- - Total other movements97,716192,284482,772(247,804)(347,475)177,493Balance at 31 December 20161,213,9591,923,441681,336(490,045)666,3433,995,034*See explanation dividend restrictions Note 16.For 2015, before appropriation of result, all amounts in € thousands Issued capitalShare premiumRevaluation reserve*Retained earningsNet result for the yearTotal equityBalance at 1 January 20151,043,2651,611,63543,694(116,465)133,1542,715,283 Comprehensive income Net result- - - - 347,475347,475Total comprehensive income- - - - 347,475347,475 Other movements Issued shares72,978119,522- - - 192,500Appropriation of result- - - 133,154(133,154)- Dividends paid- - - (104,060)- (104,060)Movement revaluation reserve- - 154,870(154,870)- - Total other movements72,978119,522154,870(125,776)(133,154)88,440Balance at 31 December 20151,116,2431,731,157198,564(242,241)347,4753,151,198*See explanation dividend restrictions Note 16. Share this article